SCOOP: LCBO discount for restaurant biz
Plus: Why Ian Arthur isn't running again, Ford's booster update, and more
SCOOP — BOOZE NEWS: Restaurant and bar owners are buzzing over rumours that the Ford government is poised to bring in an LCBO retail discount for the industry.
It’s going to be in the “double digits” and permanent, one industry source told me, adding that official word could drop as soon as today.
“BIG news. This is decades in the making,” a source texted.
While the province has loosened up booze sales rules to help the revenue-strapped industry amid the pandemic — including permanently allowing alcohol with takeout orders — restaurant owners have long called for a discount or wholesale pricing on products from the LCBO. Thanks to the markup, restauranteurs can cough up as much or more than what retail customers pay.
That policy is what fuelled blowback earlier this year when Skip the Dishes linked up with the LCBO to offer alcohol delivery at prices that restaurants just couldn’t compete with — so the partnership was put on hold.
An LCBO discount or wholesale pricing has been on the Tories radar for some time — it was recommended back in 2019 in a report by special adviser KEN HUGHES.
IAN ARTHUR OUT — The rookie MPP for Kingston and the Islands says he won’t seek reelection next spring after a tough year.
“The past three years, including the pandemic, have also at times been challenging and brought into focus what is most important to me,” Arthur said in a statement, shouting-out Leader ANDREA HORWATH and constituents.
Arthur is the third sitting NDPer to bow out for 2022 — along with TARAS NATYSHAK (Essex) and PERCY HATFIELD (Windsor—Tecumseh).
The Official Oppo party is losing incumbents — who tend to have a leg-up in elections — in ridings that their political rivals are gunning for. The PCs have been pushing hard in the Windsor area, while the Liberals have been pumping up their candidate ex-MP TED HSU big time, after he beat out ex-MPP SOPHIE KIWALA for the nomination (word on the street is that Liberal Leader STEVEN DEL DUCA preferred Kiwala).
Still, the NDP’s 2022 roster includes 37 out of 40 incumbents — and while that could change — it’s a strong showing.
DOUG FORD’S WEDNESDAY — The Premier is expected to make an announcement about Covid boosters today as top doc KIERAN MOORE makes fresh recommendations to deal with the Omicron variant provincewide. Cabinet also meets to discuss expanded capacity for third doses.
— 9 a.m.: Energy Minister TODD SMITH will provide remarks at a nuclear energy sector investment announcement in Cambridge. Livestream.
— 9:15 a.m.: Colleges and Universities Minister JILL DUNLOP will make an announcement in Toronto.
— 6 p.m.: A $1,500-a-head fundraiser in support of PC DAISY WAI in Richmond Hill. Invite.
— 6 p.m.: A $600-a-head fundraiser for Liberal MPP MITZIE HUNTER at Cantina Mercatto in Toronto. Invite.
— 6:30 p.m.: Liberal Leader STEVEN DEL DUCA is headlining a $1,000-a-ticket fundraiser in the capital. RSVP.
— SHORING UP LTC: In the face of Omicron, there’s tougher rules for nursing homes. That includes no overnight absences and requiring all fully immunized visitors to test negative upon entry. Details.
— HOUSING AFFORDABILITY: On the eve of Premier DOUG FORD’s housing summit with big city mayors, the Toronto Region Board of Trade is calling for a framework that will increase density and housing options. That includes eliminating exclusionary zoning policies that prohibit different “missing middle” building types such as triplexes and small apartment buildings in residential neighbourhoods throughout the province. The CBC has the story.
— FED FES: Finance Minister PETER BETHLENFALVY is calling for more federal cash for biz and inoculation supports, in response to yesterday’s Fall Economic Statement. Full remarks.
Anti-vax protesters banging pots and pans outside Health Minister CHRISTINE ELLIOTT’s home…Anti-Highway 413 ads in the Toronto Star.

Here are the new, renewed and amended registrations over the past 24 hours:
— Peter Seemann, Grassroots Public Affairs: Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Association of Canadian Distillers
— Martin Green, Foresight Strategic Advisors: SuperBird Capital Inc.
— Jenni Byrne, Jenni Byrne + Associates: Brunswick Bierworks
— Peter Van Loan, Aird & Berlis: Country Homes
— Christopher Chapin, Upstream Strategy Group: Abbott Diabetes Care Canada, Canadian Addiction Treatment Centres LP, Information Services Corporation
In-house organizations: Ontario Non-Profit Network — FP Canada — Beef Farmers of Ontario — Canadian Association of Consulting Quality Surveyors — Celgene — Shell Canada — Bristol-Meyers Squibb Canada.